Csilla von Boeselager Stiftung Osteuropahilfe e.V. Logo Donate
Emergency aid in the “forgotten villages” of the Kherson region

Our mission

We provide emergency aid for sick, hungry and homeless people in Eastern Europe, non-denominational and non-political


We work with private, local initiatives as partners and build civic engagement


We personally know our partners in Eastern Europe. Our volunteer project mentors are in close contact with the projects. 


We make no distinction in our emergency aid - not according to faith, origin or political views


We work with intrinsic motivation. Our office provides the necessary professional structure to our voluntary board members and project sponsors 


We are agile and professional. Our administration costs are covered by interest on capital. Therefore, 100% of your donation reach the projects in Eastern Europe 

Help for

Example seed campaign:

With a donation of 4389 gardening tools and 180,000 bags of seeds worth €100,000, we are helping people in the Urkaine to provide for themselves. With this help, they will be able to sustainably produce some of their own food and even collect new seeds.

Every euro counts!

Donations for help in Eastern Europe

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