Csilla von Boeselager Stiftung Osteuropahilfe e.V. Logo Donate

Emergency aid projects in Eastern Europe


Canteen for the poor
Washrooms for homeless people


Logistics hub for war relief in Ukraine
Child and homeless care Christmas gifts 
Roma and Sinti


School meals
Bicycles for school run
Mobile care for elderly people
Equipment for voluntary fire brigades


Acute war relief
Care for IDPs
Soup kitchen
Care for disabled children
School and food distribution
Roma and Sinti


CvB House Dispensary for the poor Kitchen for the poor Aid bridge to the Ukraine

Forgotten villages

Gardening tools for self-sufficiency in the front area

Thanks to your donation, we have been able to achieve a lot in 30 years!

200 projects

for 30 years, currently 21 active projects

50+ million € donations in kind

in over 3000 lorries

8+ million € for aid projects

since incorporation as at 31.12.2023

Examples of the past two years

3+ million meals

to homeless people and refugees

12 vehicles

sprinters, lorries, refrigerated vehicles

2 warehouses

"material donation bridge" Romania to Ukraine 

21,500 pairs of shoes

for the poorest